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+123 votes
What are the religious guidelines for a married couple's sexual relationship?
by (4.5k points)

13 Answers

0 votes
Religiously, "depend on porn" this is something silly to do, even if people are not christians, why use such drivel, the people who do this are perhaps trash, many of them are not redeemable, well, i cannot speak for God, but, we are not even supposed to speak of what these people do, . to use porn is a mistake, and destructive, think of all the nonsense that these people cause, i bet the gas prices would go down, if the porn people were cut off, and were stopped from using gasoline, and maybe the war would stop, and be over, (but, what do you think, look at the old new reels of world war 11 in Hawaii, around Pearl Harbor, how the sailors wouuld stand in a line to go into the prostitutes, (the word prost in the Romainian language, is stupid,)what does this say for our fighting me, they do not seem to pay attention to God, who would sleep with or do things with prostitutes, it is self destructive, be greatful that your parents are christians, i hope for you they are, and you are not born of the devil, you can thank God for this, amd do not worry about what to do, God, created man and women, now you figure,
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
realigion allows u to have sex dosnt it??
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I assume that you would use the "missionary" position. That sounds Christian to me!
by (4.5k points)