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+53 votes
Explain the difference between mono and stereo sound.
by (4.3k points)

4 Answers

+112 votes
Best answer
mono sound is a sound of one unique source mixed together to come out of (normally) just one speaker. If you have 2 speakers the it's the same sound that comes out of every one.. . Stereo is a sound that is recorded on 2 channels, a left one and a right one. that means when you hear that sound on a 2 speaker device, you will hear on the left speaker the left channel and on the right speaker the right channel.. You can try this by just come near of one of the speaker and you will realise that the sound is not always the same as the other one.. it may happen that they often talk about stereo music, but in fact nothing is divided so it sounds almost like Mono.. take care ;)
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
when recording music stereo sound is acheived by the placement of two (maybe more) microphones in the stupid. . in the olden days, one (mono) microphone was used. obviously stereo has much more depth in the sound, and you can heard more subtlies in the music as well. in playback it's the same principle, but instead it is reproducing the sound.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Mono produces the same sound from both speakers (assuming you have two.) Stereo gives you a sound track for both speakers. For example if you were listening to a ping pong game on stereo you would hear the ball hit on the left speaker then the right while on mono both speakers would respond to each hit of the ball.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
the term mono comes from "monodic" which means one line of sound.. Mono usually uses the same "stream" to give out all the different layers of sound.. (you have all layers of sound coming from the same place). Stereo breaks up the sound into different groups of these layers and uses a different "stream" for each group.. (you could have the lows comming from one side and the highs from the other side)
by (4.6k points)