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+60 votes
Discuss potential risks and considerations for teenagers wanting body piercings
by (4.5k points)

5 Answers

+78 votes
Best answer
Who ever said that it was wrong to get body piercings!. hell go get one and tell me about it sweetheart.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
i think they should.. just not like 5 million!. sometimes they look hot and sometimes they just dont!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Outside of the medical sideaffects, if there is any, Being older and wiser has taught me some things. For instance, My current woman, whom I love very much has a tattoo of the name of one of her baby daddy's right where I could see it everytime we make love. I have made an attempt to ignore it, but I know it bothers her because of the stress that he has put in her life, and also she feels bad that I have to look at it. WHat is my point? In the teenage years you are going to go through too many changes. To allow yourself to be permanantly "butchered" over something you might regret later doesnt seem like to good of a career move to me, or a new relationship starter( you might be liberal now, but what if you change your mind 20 years from now and are attracted to someone that wont think that what you did was cute?). I dont tell my kids too much what to do anymore, I just try to get them to think! Sometimes it works, and helps, sometimes they have to swallow their own sorrows. Good luck!
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
It gets hurt.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Do not get one, there is too much risk for infection, and depending on where the piercing is, you may limit your job opportunites.
by (4.3k points)