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+22 votes
How can I improve my website's search engine ranking to appear on the first couple of search pages?
by (4.3k points)

4 Answers

+39 votes
Best answer
give more moneY $$$$$$, i guess. I dont know if there are any other options
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
It could happen, but paid search is usually first. I would do a search at what you think people want from your site. Ask yourself a question: If i was looking for (subject), what words would I (or others) use? Think like that and you MAY be golden. And have your site scanned for content - find the most common used words. Also, use keywords in your keyword meta tag. If you don't know what those are, visit for some excellent tips & tricks.. . Good Luck!!. . Nothing to do with what you want, but come Visit:. . The place to find old class yearbooks - . .
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
What search terms do you want it to be found on the top pages for?. . You can achieve this with absolutely no money spent at all. Even the number 1 spot is simple if you work hard, on what terms you want to be found under and organise properly.. . Just dont expect it to happen on a one word search.. . Several things to think about. Dont try to cheat the engines, you will lose. Make sure you use your chosen search term enough times weighted against the rest of the text on your page. You really need a domain name that consists of your search terms. Use meta tags responsibly. Dont use hidden text. Use headings tags properly and make sure your search terms appear in them.. . Look up 'seo' on your fav search engine and read up on it. It can take a while.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
1) Submit your URL to major search engines.. For google go to . and. for yahoo go to. for msn it is . . 2) Add meta tags..i.e. keywords describing your website in meta tags.. 3) add more incoming links to your website from other websites.. 4)Share your website links with similar sites.. 5) Do have a sitemap.. 6)Prefer static html wherever possible.. 7) One tip, which is less known that make a lot of pages like your index or default page and have hidden links to them all over your website . 8) Create Error-free and static HTML as far as possible. 9) Submit your site to good directories like Yahoo,, 10) Write a blog for your site. 11) Make a robots.txt file and put it in the root , containing name of all the searchable web pages i your website.
by (4.2k points)