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+99 votes
What actions did the Third Reich take during its existence?
by (4.4k points)

5 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer
Showed the world exactly what hatred, intolerance, biggotry, racism and big egos can do when in power. A lesson everyone today still needs to learn.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
You mean apart from waging aggresive war, invading other nations, bombing others, sinking passenger and merchant ships, murdering millions of people in cold blood and stealing their property?. . Even if you slept through history lessons you surely have seen enough movies and TV to get the idea?
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
They became overconfident and tried to annex too much territory at one time. The axis also made the mistake of waking the sleeping giant and bringing America into the war with the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. Also, they got greedy and attacked Russia which gave them a two front war.. Tactically, they just didn't know how to play it. Led by an insane ruler, they didn't have much choice. If a sane man like Rommel had been in charge things would have been more difficult or perhaps with a different outcome.. Their hatred of the jews and attempted genocide hurt them alot too.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Kill and torture many millions of people, steal their property, trash the European landscape, and make at least one whole generation of Germans feel guilty for being alive! And that's just the short list!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Set out to rebuild Germany after the First WW destroyed her economy, and succeeded (temporarily).. Set out to give the German people a pride in themselves, and succeeded (temporarily).. Tried, with Italy and Japan, to save the world from Communism and, but for the Allies, would have succeeded.. Instead, Communism got a huge boost and Fascism was destroyed.. Tried to remove the Jews from Europe, and succeeded (temporarily). In the process Zionism was given a tidal wave of a boost, which it is still riding today.. Made the German people ashamed of themselves and pathetically politically correct.. In short, the Nazis achieved the exact opposite of everything they set out to do. Thank you England and America!
by (4.3k points)