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+58 votes
Why does vaginal bleeding occur during a girl's first sexual experience and is it painful?
by (4.4k points)

20 Answers

+121 votes
Best answer
ask if she's ready, then do IT. if she starts to cry, then just cuddle for a few minutes then ask "are u alright?"
by (4.2k points)
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If you love her and care for her, I would advise the two of you to get married first before having sex. It is such an important thing in life, it is not to be taken lightly. We hear every day about people who have used sex irresponsibly and regret it. A person is not a car that you can take for a 'test drive'! You wouldn't want someone to do that to you, would you? . . If you are too young to get married, I would advise you to wait until you are older. Many, many people have children of their own before they have finished their education and have good jobs to be able to provide everything that their babies are going to need. Sex can't be used only as entertainment. Keep the ultimate purpose of it in mind. If you are not financially prepared to raise a family-- that means finished with college and a ood job-- babies will make your life m-i-s-e-r-a-b-l-e.. . It generally is a little painful the first time, but even if you don't wind up having babies that you are not prepared for, the emotional pain of that memory can be worse; when a person realizes they were wrong later in life and are haunted by the memory of their first lover whenever they have sex with their lifelong spouse. That is why it is best that the first one and the lifelong spouse should be one and the same person. . . Besides, nobody wants their partner to be thinking and comparing them to all the others, "This one was better, not as good as that one, etc." It takes imagination to have good sex; in fact, researchers and therapists say that imagination is the most important part of being able to have good sex. So why throw away imagination by having too much experience? . . If your girlfriend loves and cares about you, she will respect your wise decision to wait until the preparations for life are ready before having sex. When she sees how mature you are, she will have more confidence in you and love you more. . . (If she tries to change your mind for you, do you really want to have a relationship with a girl like that? I'm not saying anything against your girl; I just don't know what she is like. Don't let anybody talk you into doing something without thoroughly considering all the possible outcomes!) . . I realize this is probably not what you wanted to hear, and not what everybody else is saying. But sex is SO important, I wanted to make sure you heard both sides. Please seriously consider what I have said. . . You sound like a responsible fellow who wants to do what is right. I hope this helps. Good luck!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Girls bleed when they first have sex because they are virgins and the boy popped there cherry that mean the boy broke there virgins so they are not virgin's no more.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
hey may plz.... dont ask any dirty questions in yahoo answers plz... iam requesting u ok!! plz... ask it any where but not in answers plz....
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Usually that happens when a girl is too young, and her body is not fully developed yet. Try waiting until she's a grown woman, and your wife, if you wish to spare her this.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Ok I think that is an really gross thing. Sometimes girls don't bleed if u hear people saying that they do. That is because the boys push there dicks in to far. Then if it bleeds its like the boys is raping the girls. When u do have make sure it is safe sex and both of yall are agreeing to do it . But when u do, do it take it nice and slow dont hurt her vagina Please!
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
what a sweeti you are xxx
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Don't be surprised if you find out she doesn't bleed this first time! Yeah, I know, not a virgin - "not the case"! A lot of young girls tear the hymen long before they have actual sex with a male, through athletic endeavors, like playing basketball, outside sports, even track running. But, yes the pain is there, but maybe not the blood, and it might be such a minor amount you don't notice it.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
When a young lady has sex for the first time you already know that she is a virgin the reason the bleeding happens is because of the skin that is around the inside and that has never been touched in a way, It will hurt for a second but it will go away once you both get into the flow with it. But believe me the bleeding is only temporary that's all.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
you're so sweet to be concerned about that :] but yes, everyone says it hurts majorly
by (4.4k points)