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+47 votes
How can I change the date sequence in a row of cells in Excel by modifying the first cell?
by (4.5k points)

5 Answers

+75 votes
Best answer
This expands on Graeme's answer. If the row of dates are not 1 day apart then you put the appropriate interval from the first date as a formula in each cell in the row e.g. if the second date is 7 days from the first in A1 then in B1 you put A1+7 etc.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
enter two dates such as 9/10/05 and in next cell 9/11/05 and use fill down right etc. and you will end up with 9/12/05 9/13/05 etc.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Assuming you want to have your dates running in columns (it's the same for rows but work across the way) enter the first date of your series eg 1 Jan 2006, then in the next cell 2 Jan 2006. Highlight both the dates holding down the shift key when you do this (still holding the shift key drag down as far as you require. From the 'Edit' menu click 'Fill' and then the sub menu pick 'series' up pops options of what to fill it with. It will be probably be the default but there are a number of choices. You should now see your dates running in date order.. . Hope this helps
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
After entering the date in the first cell hold your mouse and drag down the rest of the rows will be filled in sequence
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Suppose the first date is in A1. Then in B1 put the formula =A1+1. Select B1, grab the square at the bottom right and drag it across for as many columns as you need. Each cell will then be one (day) more than the cell to the left.. . If you change A1, all the dates will change.
by (4.3k points)