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+46 votes
What is the relevance of bastard law in cases where paternity has not been confirmed by child services?
by (4.5k points)

3 Answers

+68 votes
Best answer
well let me tell you, I have been through my share of crap concerning things similar and I also used to type up birth certificates in a maternity ward. If at the time of birth the mother was married to this guy she's married to now, the child would have to have his name even he was not the father, that's the law! and also you are not legally responsible for anything right now unless ordered by a judge. the person whose name is on the birth certificate is responsible and you all are gonna end in court over this, trust me....
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Contact Legal Aid or hire an attorney to sort this matter out. Do not sign anything or send any information in before you talk with Legal Aid or an attorney.. . For lawyer referral, contact your state's bar association (lawyers) for a specialist in family law.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I have been dealing with this crap for several years now and I can tell you this, if the mother of this child is on welfare or any kind of public assistance and you make more money than the man she is married to, you can bet that you will be proven to be the father of that child weather you really are or not. The court will set child support and take it out of your pay weather they leave any money for you to live on or not, the judge will say it is not their problem and they don't care. You will have to pay and pay and pay, and you might not even get visitation time with the child either because child support is not for visitation. If you do get visitation be careful because the childrens Services will kind of put a bug in the ear of the mother and then you will be accused of sexually molesting the child or some kind of abbuse, and you will be back in court where you will spend most of your time from here on out, until the child turns 18 years old. The courts and the state will physically and mentally and financially DRAIN you.Please be prepared for all of this. also watch if you get an attorney, because they will not really do anything to help you, because they will not stand up to a JUDGE or Childrens services because they say "YOU DON'T BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU" This situation happens in every state in the United States it is a money making Racket,believe me it will never stop. Good Luck!!! you are going to need it. There are several web sites you can go to and get help for this situation the best one I have found is: This will tell you what to exspect and what to do. again good luck you are in for the ride of your life. you might want to contact some support groups on this matter too. A good and helpful group is M.A.D. Men united of West Virginia, The M.A.D. stands for Men against discrimination. If you don't live in West Virginia they can tell you who to contact in your state. the E-mail address for the president of M.A.D. men united of west virginia is : Tim [email protected] again good luck
by (4.2k points)