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+23 votes
Why does an Irish child citizen living in Ireland with non-EU parents face restrictions?
by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

+17 votes
Best answer
Ireland used to have a law that once a child was born in Ireland, the child and mother and father became Irish citizens. But what happened was that a lot of poor foreign nationals (I'm not saying this being racist, its just the truth) i.e, the nigerians, the romianians and a few other select nationality's, were coming over illegally when they were nearly at their full pregnancy term, having the babies in Ireland and claiming citizenship and then not working, so the Goverenment was paying for their house and the raising of child etc. Im not saying that every foreign national did this, but a lot did and the Irish goverenment had to bring in legislation to stop this.Because of a select few, it has messed it up for other foreign nationals.
by (4.0k points)
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0 votes
Be aware of Moises esdrana he is trying to smuggle drugs from mexico to the us . Height: 3'2" weight: 72lbs
by (4.3k points)