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+68 votes
How can I get a paid charge off removed from my credit report?
by (4.3k points)

5 Answers

+105 votes
Best answer
At the end of your credit report is a list of phone numbers that reflect who has liens against your credit. You are going to need to call the people that have this against your credit and have them fax you a letter saying this has been cleared so you have it for your records. Then they will put through again that it has been cleared to the reporting agency, which will typically take 60 days. I would also fax the letter they send you directly to the credit agency.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Unfortunately, you will not be able to fully remove this account from your credit report for 7-10 years unless it is an erroneous or fraudulent account (which it sounds like it isn't). Accounts that are charged off will show as either "Paid charge-off" or just "charge-off". It's good that you were able to settle the account since "paid charge off" will look slightly better.. . Remember that anytime you settle, you will not be able to ask the creditor to remove the account from your credit report entirely after settling. This would be illegal and inaccurate reporting on the part of the creditor. Your creditors are bound legally to accurately report the status of your accounts whether they are charged off, settled, or up to date. No reputable creditor would ever sign something saying that they will remove your account from credit reports if you settle (because it is illegal!!)
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Geez I love being right all of the time.. . I'm getting lots of nice messages from the collection agents and lawyers on this site, telling me I don't know what I'm talking about. Yet not one ever supplies a verifiable source that proves me wrong.. . You say I'm wrong. I don't know the law. I don't know what I'm talking about. Great! Correct me. Show me where I'm wrong and let me correct my mistakes. . . But be warned, I want verifiable proof that you are correct. Show me where the law says you are right. I know, all I have is the actual FDCA and FCRA laws that are posted on the FTC site to read. So help me out, show me where to go to prove you are right.. . Lets take this example. Yet another person has their credit ruined by you guys because he didn't know the law! . . Lets get this FACT straight. The credit bureaus only report what the creditors, collection agents, and attorneys tell them. If you say this guy owes a debt, we are forced to jump through hoops to prove otherwise, because the bureaus only believe you!. . Show me I'm wrong! Show me your contract with the credit bureau that says you can't change an entry or remove it once it's been placed. Show me a law that says you can't do that!. . SHOW ME SOMETHING! Or shut up!. . Therefore, if you tell them to remove the report, or change it from "in collections" to "paid in full, never late"....what's the big deal? They WILL change the history. . . You keep laying guilt trips on debtors to "do the right thing". But when they finally come up with the money, and try make things right, you screw them right back by messing up their credit for a few more years. . . ...steps off soapbox..... . You did one right thing, you got a letter from the creditor saying the debt is paid in full. Send that to the credit agency, along with a note to correct the credit report. . . But note that even though it will show "paid in full", it's still got marks on it to show it went through collections, or may have late payments. Both will still reflect badly on your credit score.. . This is why I keep telling people to GET IN WRITING an agreement that they will remove the entry from your report. Now you have no leverage with the creditor, that's why he is ignoring you. He already has your money!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Gather your proof (documentation), contact the credit reporting agency involved (if not, all three), and send them copies.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
the credit reporting agency. experian, trans union, whichever company is still showing the old balance.
by (4.4k points)