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+114 votes
How can I treat a cat's broken hind leg without going to the vet because of financial constraints?
by (4.8k points)

19 Answers

+22 votes
Best answer
He needs a vet right away. Call around and find out if there's a vet near you that will let you pay in installments; or you can try to go to the humane society nearest you (the ASPCA has a shelter locater on the website). The ASPCA is not for profit and offers low cost or free services.. . Good luck!
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Either take him to the vet and work out a payment plan, or give him away to someone who can take care of him. It is your responsibility to provide for your pets, and if you can't afford it, then you shouldn't keep one.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
If you don't wanna take him to the vet. Then you'll have to wrap his leg up with a stick to hold it in a still position also to make it heal in the right position, then you get like an arm cast wrap it around the leg with the stick make sure it is nice and tight so it'll stay it that position k. I'm only thirteen going on fourteen but hey I'm a jr vet so it should work.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
If I could not take it to the vet then I had rather put it out of its misery than to let it suffer.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Shoot him...if that don't work, drowned him!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
that leg will not heal right if not set properly, i understand about your financial reasons, but in order for your cat to survive and be happy, that cat needs to go to a vet. try calling a vet and ask their advice, explain your situation.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I understand completely how it is financially but somethings you can't put off.. Like some of the others said most vets will work out something with you and one don't check out one that will. And some of the answers some of the others answered is cruel.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
You need to take him to vet. Fractures are serious. Does his leg support weight?
by (4.8k points)
0 votes
Bottom line is you can't. Have you tried talking to a vet about making payments, or looked for a low-cost animal clinic that can help your cat? It's not fair to make your cat suffer because you can't afford a vet. I am not trying to be "mean" but rather than have your cat suffer, if you can't possibly find any way to get it medical attention, maybe you should consider the Humane Society. Maybe they could help you with vet bills or worst case scenario, give her/him to them if they would agree to fix the leg and adopt him/her back out. I hope you find a way to get your cat help. Good luck.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
AWWWW...poor kitty. I would suggest taking him to the Vet, and explaining your finacial situation with the Vet. Most Vets understand and will let you make payments ( mine does.) . . Even though your cat can walk on it, doesnt mean that it is easily treateable. There can be an underlying problem that no one knows about, such as internal bleeding. Not taking your cat to the vet could mean putting your cats life in danger.. . Please take your cat to the Vet, to be on the safe side.. . Good luck!
by (4.4k points)