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+7 votes
Why does the Bush administration seem to prioritize the Second Amendment over other constitutional amendments?
by (4.6k points)

11 Answers

+89 votes
Best answer
Think of Bush and his Goons as a runaway tractor trailer with a monkey behind the wheel and you will start to get the idea. Their philosophy is "my way or the highway" and if you don't like then tough and you may be labled as ignorant or unpatriotic, all this of course done under the guise of "G-d and country", so to speak.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Its about power. They are corrupted by it to the point that power is an end in itsself. Also its a good way to cash in ! . Bling Bling !! However I also have guns and see nothing wrong with that.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Ah jimbo...every time you answer a political question...I'm a little turned on. My thoughts exactly. I can't rant anymore, though...I went nuts the last time. People need to stop worrying about who to blame, and get off THEIR BUTTS AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE WORLD IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT. Or go to Canada....OH, snap...I'm sorry, their new prime minister LIKES BUSH! Haha.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Y'know what's interesting... I'm sure that if all this had gone on when Clinton was in office, the tables would be turned. The country is way too partisan now, and people aren't even looking at the issue, just who is supporting the issue. By the way, about wire taps, do a google on Operation Echelon. Clinton did it in office, and in a more illegal way. I'm not saying I agree with Bush on everything (especially is open borders, pro-bigbusiness policies), but he's getting blamed and accused for stuff that's been going on for years. Did you know that your blockbuster rental records are subject to review as well? And what about your grocery buying? You think your lil club card is only for savings? Reality check, the gov't has been monitoring our people for years, and mostly it's for our own benefit. So just shut your kool-aid hole and get on with life.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because the government doesn't want to have a redneck war on their hands.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
It sounds like you are complaining because your candidate lost, not asking a question. We can answer you all day, but your eyes would be closed, and your mouth would be saying "but...but..but...". . You are spending too much time on message boards. You need to start reading real news and not political rhetoric. You will be better informed and much happier.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Bush is is a wonderful President. I like him so much, that if he quits today, I'd really appreciate it. Unfortunately, we then be stuck with the walking, trigger happy time bomb won't we? That'll be a nice status quo don't you think? We are really opening this millenium with a bang!
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
the laughable part is if you were tasked with proving even one case where the government trampled your right to privacy you would be very hard pressed to do it.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I don't think anybody on the right or left has any right talking about taking away constitutional rights.. . It should be Libertarians like myself who ask questions about why the elephants and jackasses are hypocrites about trampling on constitutional rights, not someone on the left whose party has done just as much, if not more damage to the constitution.. . Want examples ? Show me where in the Constitution it says the federal government has anything to do with education ? Where is it delegated to the National government to have a Department of Education ? Also, after a careful reading of the Constitution I can't really find the Right to Abortion. Where is that one ? Even many Pro-choice liberal legal scholars think Roe vs. Wade has no basis in the Constitution. War on drugs ? Yeah I think that's not in the Constitution either. I could think of at least a dozen more ways the Democrats have added powers to themselves delegated to the states in the constitution, but I'm sure you have better things to do.. . So for a Democrat to start talking about Constitutional rights and attacking the Republicans on this issue is crazy just as it is crazy for a Republican to do the same about the Democrats (and I won't argue with you about "Bush & Co." because I don't agree with a lot of their policies either).
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Actually, the Patriot Act contains a very substantial potential curb on the Right to Bear Arms. In particular, the Patriot Act authorizes the act of purchasing a gun to become a justification for opening an investigation and subesequent legal action from that.
by (4.1k points)