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+110 votes
Why are my website's inner pages, excluding the index.htm, not appearing in Google search results?
by (4.6k points)

3 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Have you linked to the other pages from your index.htm file? Are those links correct?
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Can you provide us with a link please :) It could be due to a wide range of things.. . . ***********************. . Edit: See link below.(provides instructions) That will help. As the other gentleman mentioned, you need to make sure your pages are properly linked to from the home page. Creating a footer with links in it is a good way to go about it, as well as creating a site map.. . You want to make sure your meta information is specific to the page each page is different as should be the meta tags.. . You also need to generate as many backlinks as humanly possible. To check the backlinks google is counting go here . . to check what folks are searching for as a general rule go here and type in various key phrases such as hydraulic presses. This is how you determine the most effective terms for your meta info... . It also helps to go check out what your competition is doing.. . I think that should fix things. This is what I do, so I could sort of go on forever....
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
u must be using a frames page website.
by (4.3k points)