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+11 votes
Why do people tend to yawn when they see others yawn?
by (4.4k points)

7 Answers

+18 votes
Best answer
Well, I don't know why yawns are contagious because scientists really don't know what cause yawn's in the first place. However, on a lesser level, I believe yawns are contagious because when you see someone yawn, you tend to think of how tired you are. Therefore, you yawn too. And plus it is pretty amusing when you have a yawn fest with someone and just cannot stop yawning back and forth.. Hope this helps!
by (4.5k points)
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* The Physiological Theory -- Our bodies induce yawning to drawn in more oxygen or remove a build-up of carbon dioxide. This theory helps explain why we yawn in groups. Larger groups produce more carbon dioxide, which means our bodies would act to draw in more oxygen and get rid of the excess carbon dioxide. However, if our bodies make us yawn to drawn in needed oxygen, wouldn't we yawn during exercise? Robert Provine, a psychologist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and a leading expert on yawning, has tested this theory. Giving people additional oxygen didn't decrease yawning and decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide in a subject's environment also didn't prevent yawning.. . * The Evolution Theory -- Some think that yawning is something that began with our ancestors, who used yawning to show their teeth and intimidate others. An offshoot of this theory is the idea that yawning developed from early man as a signal for us to change activities.. . * The Boredom Theory -- In the dictionary, yawning is said to be caused by boredom, fatigue or drowsiness. Although we do tend to yawn when bored or tired, this theory doesn't explain why Olympic athletes yawn right before they compete in their event. It's doubtful that they are bored with the world watching them. . . The simple truth is that even though humans have been yawning for possibly as long as they have existed, we have no clue as to why we do it. Maybe it serves some healthful purpose. It does cause us to draw in more air and our hearts to race faster than normal, but so does exercise. There's still much we don't understand about our own brains, so maybe yawning is triggered by some area of the brain we have yet to discover. We do know that yawning is not limited to man. Cats, dogs, even fish yawn, which leads us back to the idea that yawning is some form of communication.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
its still unknown why. find out why and u'll get nobel prize. like the schmuck who got it for discovering helicopter germs! who caresssssssssss!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
because everybody likes to sleep, and when you see other people yawn, it induces a desire to sleep in you. i just yawned. i didnt even see anybody yawn.
by (4.5k points)
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by (4.5k points)
0 votes
We yawn because our brain lacks oxygen. When we see other pple yawn, our brain is reminded "Oh! I'm tired too!" and we yawn..
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
not sure why it's contagious, but we do it when there is a low amount of oxygen in the air, in order to take in as much as possible at once
by (4.4k points)