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+77 votes
Why do some World War One Memorials have the date range as 1914-1919 instead of 1914-1918?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+71 votes
Best answer
June 28, 1919, Peace Treaty signed by German delegates and Allies in Versailles.. ***. After six months of negotiations which took place at the Paris Peace Conference, the treaty was signed as a follow-up to the armistice signed in November 1918 in Compiègne Forest (which had put an end to the actual fighting).
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
While hostilities were over, there were many things still in turmoil due to WW1. Austro-Hungarian empire was breaking up. Germany army was being demobilized. German Navy was repatriated to Scapa Flow, only to be scuttled by its crews June 21st 1919.. . P.S. Versailles treaty is November 1918, not June 1919.
by (4.5k points)