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+119 votes
What is the impact of gravity on our daily lives and the world around us?
by (4.6k points)

5 Answers

+100 votes
Best answer
if gravity was absent, teh earth would have moved away from would be dark, the plants would not grow, we would die out of cold. we maynot even be able to stand in oneplace.....
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
it keeps the air heads from floating
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
it keeps stuff attached to the earth w/ out it wed float around and couldnt drink dry martinis
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
we cant fly away and we move a lot faster than if we didnt have gravity.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I keep droppin my pen and it's makin me mad.
by (4.4k points)