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+85 votes
Why can't we choose our President for more than two terms if we have freedom of choice?
by (4.2k points)

3 Answers

+116 votes
Best answer
I wish that more people were asking that question because I wish Bill was still our president. Take a look at every other country and how long their main leaders stay in power. The only term limits we need are in the senate and the congress so real people can get more involve with government. If we have a president the represents us well then why not keep him.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
In cases like our current president, I am glad we can only have presidents for 2 terms, however I agree that when a decent one comes in we should be able to keep him/her as long as possible. But could you imagine another 4, 8 or 12 years with Bush? And would you want to take over after him? If we had open terms for presidency I think people would be a little more cautious on their choices of who to vote in...and as the above poster mentioned why do we only have 2 real choices to begin with? I think that we could have an open presidency with regulated evaluations every 2 years, and that there should be more options for ridding a country of a terrible leader. Good question, got me thinking!
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
If we truely had freedom of choice we would have more than 2 choices for President. I mean come on, we have more choices of toilet paper than we do choices for our leader!!
by (4.2k points)