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+37 votes
Why do we have separate white and black churches if we all serve the same god?
by (4.4k points)

10 Answers

+66 votes
Best answer
If there is a higher intelegence out there then It should be the same God for everyone. But sadly most nations have a different idea of Gods..I truly do not believe there is a GOD...Because if there was there would be no Black or white churches..and People of different nations would not be killing each other in name of there God. God is an invisible friend to so many people. The God I want to believe in woould not let this world destroy each other.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
We come from different cultures, though in some churches those cultures mix, some people like to keep to their roots.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
In the LDS church, we do not support segregation in church. That would go against things that we believe in.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
who says they are praising different gods? that is hardly the issue with religion. any one who feels superior is the issue. yes he was very clear about how we are all the same...except of course homosexuals and anyone who doesn't believe the way you do.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
It's a cultural thing. Blacks feel more comfortable around Blacks and Whites feel more comfortable around Whites. As a White man, I have gone to a Black church, and I was most welcome.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
because people feel more comfortable around there people also white churches and black chruches are usually in the white and black areas
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I've wondered that myself. Jesus was very straightforward about how we are all the same. We, as Christians, should pray about this. Maybe we are the ones to bring peace to the racial schizm in this country. The government hasn't been able to do it.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because black churches do not welcome white people.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I have not seen a black church yet.They are usually . white,off white,or brick.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
why were black people slave?
by (4.3k points)