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+13 votes
What are the consequences of illegal immigration?
by (4.3k points)

8 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer
Illegal schmellegal, there are good people and bad people regardless of status. those people do not what to hurt anybody but want to make a better life for themselves and family.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
We can now see the results of illegal French and English immigrants coming to North America starting in the early 1600s. It didn't turn out that bad, did it? The more, the merrier, right?. . I don't know about the success of illegal Spanish immigration to South and Central America in the 1500s and onward. They behaved differently. Maybe that continent would have been better off without immigrants.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Most of these people do not wish to conform to our respective societies, they want be part of the reconquista to take back or forge a new community, they dont want to learn our language they want us to learn theirs, the economics is also a huge impact because we pay for the medicines and educations of these peoples who choose to sneak into our countries rather than try legally.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Illegals drain our monetary resources and only want to take from us. They begin by breaking the law and then want rewards for doing it. If they begin their so called "new life" by breaking the law upon arrival, what other laws will they disregard? I guess that they want to pick and choose which laws apply to them.. . All this is at the expense of legals who are paying taxes and who are working and citizens of the country to which they are immigrating.. . Join the opposition to illegal immigration..
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
It places a burden on the entire governmental and social structure. From the education system, health care, housing, jobs all the way to the cost of insurance. It cheats the tax system which cause legal tax payer to have to pay more. The nation security of the country is no longer because you don't control your borders.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Its time for the uk to close its doors........ The house is full and people are getting angry
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
We have so many people coming to the UK it will sink into the sea soon!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
In the USA illegal immigrants abuse our welfare system, take jobs Americans WILL do, cause wages to be lowered, demand rights they don't HAVE, disrespect our flag, our leaders and our citizens,flew their flag in protest against the very country they CAME to. They are a drain on the U S economy and have the unmitigating gall to think they have the RIGHT to stay here. We don't want nor need them.
by (4.1k points)