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+74 votes
What are some home remedies for treating an ingrown toenail without seeing a doctor?
by (4.3k points)

13 Answers

+15 votes
Best answer
What is the best treatment for a painful ingrown toenail?. When the problem is mild, you may only need to soak your foot in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes and place dry cotton, such as part of a cotton ball, under the corner of the nail. Signs that the problem is getting worse include increasing pain, swelling and drainage of the area. Sometimes minor surgery is needed to remove the part of the nail that is poking into the skin.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Get a knife or pin or something, and rip it out yourself.. . Note to you: Not infectious.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. . Whatever you do don't cut it or anything!!!. . If it's infected you HAVE TO GO TO THE DOCTOR.. . I've had ingrown toenails many times, trust me. It's scary, but you must go to the doctor or else it can get, really, really bad.. . If it isn't infected, you might be able to get it out by soaking your foot in warm water, at least 3 times a day. Put Epsons salt in the water. Lots of it. Sometimes this softens it and it'll work it's way out.. . WHATEVER YOU DO DO NOT CUT ON IT, OR TRY TO CUT THE NAIL OUT!. THIS WILL MAKE IT WORSE.. . If puss comes out is is infected and you need to go to the doctor who will, in turn, refer you to a podiatrist. If they don't refer you to a foot doctor (podiatrist,) insist that they do. Only the foot doctor can help you well.
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
cut off your toe
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
I had this problem with both my big toes and they hurt like hell. yes you can soak,yes you can trim,you can do all sorts of things but "BOTTOM LINE" have a doctor remove them and be done with it once and for all! If you have the surgery don't pick at the toes because stupid is as I was and didn't know they wont grow back right! Trust me get them out ,your feet and mind will be glad to be free of the pain
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
With much pain and tears.. Start with a pin or knife and work your way from there. (ouch)
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
wedge some tiny balls of cotton under your nail on each side and then drop some iodine in there. It will hurt like crazy and take a week or two before it's better but it's better than having some doctor cut it out only for it to grow back again. then cut a V in the middle of your toe nail. Remember to only cut your toe nails straight across and don't curve them down on the sides. That is what causes ingrown toenails in the first place. Keep cutting a V in your toenail forever.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Depends how much pain your willing to Indore. The doctor will be able to numb it up before he pulls the nail out. You could pull it out yourself but if it gets infected you could have a real mess on your hands. The doctor would also be able to prescribe an antibiotic to deal with the infection.. . Bottom line you really should see a doctor for this.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
my husband soaks his feet in very warm water mixed with Johnsons foot soap for about an hour then cuts it out.. . God Bless that toe and you too
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Try to cut the ingrown right after a warm shower or bath; or soak the foot in a solution of Epsom Salts and hot water (but not so hot that you scald yourself) for 20 minutes and then try to cut it. . WARNING: If you are diabetic, NEVER try to cut an ingrown nail at home; go to the doctor or podiatrist instead, to minimize the risk of infection or gangrene.
by (4.2k points)