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+19 votes
What is the process to determine the owner of a specific property?
by (4.3k points)

5 Answers

+82 votes
Best answer
You don't say where you are from. In the US, that information is part of the public record. You need to visit your town hall and simply ask. They are required by law to divulge the owners name only.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Check with the county where the property is located for tax records - these are public record.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
The Registry of deeds
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Search the property appraisers web sight.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Call the County Recorder's office and they can help you.
by (4.5k points)