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+84 votes
Is Outlook Express currently my default email client?
by (4.2k points)

4 Answers

+115 votes
Best answer
Go to control panel>internet options>programs tab>select Outlook Express in the email field>click "OK".. . Just to be SURE the change(s) take affect, restart your computer and try it out.. . If it doesn't work, try opening Outlook Express, and when/if prompted to make OE your default, choose YES. Then in OE go to tools>options>general tab>default messaging programs, click "make default" next to "This application is/is not the default mail handler".
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Um, Microsoft Outlook _IS_ Outlook.. . But, if you're using a program on your computer to check your mail, I STRONGLY suggest you use Mozilla Thunderbird. It's more secure against viruses and hacking attemps, and is customizable.. . Besides, Mozilla Thunderbird gets important security updates MUCH more often than Outlook does. Microsoft is VERY slow with updating their products.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
hmm i wonder what it could be ill post back l8r ill be thining
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
maybe you set it to the wrong one, instead of e-mail, it could have been oput under somthing else! or ur pressing the wrong button, or your button is only made to go to outlook and not express
by (4.3k points)