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+89 votes
Explain why quoting religious teachings can be seen as embarrassing and lead to a decrease in goodwill.
by (4.3k points)

7 Answers

+42 votes
Best answer
I think your question is rather retorical, if someone makes information about themselves public, it's rather hard to just "take it back" once it's out there. I really can't see the Jehovah's Witnesses having any legs to stand on. From what I read, these quotes in question were not some secret memo that might have some protection under the law, although I don't know if religious secrets are protected in the same manner as trade secrets. In any case if the statements are made publically or in a publically available publication (hence the word Public-ation), they do not have any legs to stand on.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
we are to repect all religions and personally i think that doesnt always happen. but i think sometimes things posted up are considered embrasing beucse they seem to be so out-of-it. as in hard to beive or something. . . we also have to be careful when we say things. we are called to be truthful too. ewll they say truth hurts and thats exaclty what happens at times. . . well it can be that people are trying to hide things and thereofre are been accused for such things. the world is not honest and neither is it kind.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
It looks like you did your research on the churches of the world lol. So what does that make you a fundamentalist a christian a seeker a wiccan a pagan or just someone who is smarter then God. HMm must be a athiest or a reborn again christian take your pic. A woman trying to be the ultimate educator that is a laugh. I see a mormon liberal just not understanding she is one lol. Oh no your proably a roman catholic damn i was wrong lol.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
i think most of their teachings were just merely blasphemous.though i admire some of these people, knocking on our doorsteps and trying to share what they know. . .
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
It is quite amussing, I'm guessing tho' that because the person is an EX-JW that he/she may have been intentionally quoting them with a different contextual light (didn't go to the Canadian site), and it is that, that they are really suing him for.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
hear is the web site . . . it was a bit lagy though
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I know that when I say something stupid, I don't like to have it thrown in my face.. . Of course I don't usually publish what I say as the voice of an entire religion. Well I might have this one time when I was drunk, but I don't think writing incoherent jibberish on a napkin in a bar and then wobbling to the Kinko's across the street and photo copying a dozen copies that are then distributed to the local homeless people counts as a publication. If it does, let's hope no copies remain, for my sake.
by (4.4k points)