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+24 votes
How can I recover my login credentials from my computer?
by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
if you made a password restore disk use it, if not try logging in safe mode as administrator and hope you didn't password that. if you can get in just go t users in control panel and remove your password, then reboot and you wil be able to log in and make a new password. I am assuming you are using xp, if not you need to tell us which os, it really helps to know what we are working with when we try to help. If it is xp, and administrator has a password too, then there a nt programs out there that allow you to boot and remove passwords, if this isn't your computer you are trying to get into, you probably can't
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
go to users in control panel and remove your password,
by (4.6k points)