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+20 votes
How can one achieve a net worth of one billion dollars?
by (4.3k points)

4 Answers

+114 votes
Best answer
It is something you have to carfully plan for over a period of time.. You need to consider different investment options and sometimes need to take considerable risk also.. I suggest you to read "Retire Young Retire Rich".
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
others will say gamble, invest, save, real-estate and a thousand other awnsers some may even lead to robbery or randsom notes.. but when you find a legal way and a good way.. let me know.. Please... ;-)
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
buy a billion dollar insurance (life on your relatives. !kill them ,that is or ask george bush to kill them,
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
By being a good CEO.. . Any CEO worth his salary will focus on R = MV (margin X velocity).. . Read Ram Charan's What the CEO wants you to know, you will then understand everything about business.. . Business is perhaps the only way to become a billionaire (although Warren Buffett seems to be the exception: he didn't "create" any business, he just placed capital where it would have the highest return over a long period of time).. . But back to R = MV. This equation simply means you've got to create value, and then be able to deliver that value to one billion customers (if you charge $1 to each customer, then you are technically a billionaire).. . Of course, reaching one billion customers is tough. So sometimes, a company will try to motivate customers to go out and reach MORE customers.. . This is the brilliant idea behind Hotmail, which the two founders sold to Microsoft for 200 million dollars. Hotmail users have email signature that encouraged email recipients to sign up at Hotmail. Brilliant, really.... . Back to your question.. . "Why would I become a billionaire?" is perhaps a better question, more motivating too.. . Billionaire Charlie Munger always wanted to become financially independent so he could do what he wanted in life.. . What's your reason?. . If your reason is powerful enough, it might not be that hard to achieve your financial goals.. . Good lucK!
by (4.4k points)