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+88 votes
What is the reason behind the perceived high level of complaining among Australians?
by (4.4k points)

7 Answers

+57 votes
Best answer
The brits whinge the most lazy bunch of FUKCS thats waht u are u stupid CU.nTs . BRit= "I dont wanna job ill have to work and be hygenic and brush my teeth"
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
oh come on - brits whinge like buggers too!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I am a American and you are all crying in here. Whats up! America is falling apart from the inside, being bankrupt with idiots as leaders. What are all of you going to do when America goes into a Civil War? It's happening whether you all know it or not. It's coming with the Tyranny that has been happening here the last 6 years. None of you will be safe any more, while Big Brother is falling apart. 80% of America wants these idiots out of power here. Poverty and homelessness is off the chart, and they lie about it, and just ignore it. Our whole Gulf of Mexico is wiped out, Iraq is in better shape. New Orleans are still finding dead bodies 7 months later after our hurricane Katrina. America is in debt 40 trillion dollars, and nobody can come up with that figure can they? You should start looking at what is real, and the results are not looking good. Why do you think these idiots in my Government are trying to change everybody Else's economy to fit to Americas debt. Smarten up we have criminals running our Government over here. Exxon Mobil of Texas (where George Bush is from) turned in 340 billion in profits for 2005. So what is next year going to bring? All the money is being collected in to a few peoples hands at the expense of the whole World.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
I'm with you on this one, mate. I work with a bunch of Aussies and Kiwis and they love to wallow in it. They always play the old colonial card and I think it just hides the fact they all wish they were born in England and had a proper British passport. Saying that, my best mate's Aussie and he's just given me a spray from the other side of the room the likes of which I shalln't repeat on Yahoo Answers. Fair's fair, though, us Brits love a whinge too. have you seen the weather today.......!? Ooooooo!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Now there is an American who knows how to Whine and moan about things. we think the Aussies and the Britt's are bad. take a look at some of the complaining the Americans do. . it makes everyone else around the world glad to be in their own country.. Although i dont know what his answer had to do with this question. but none the less he has got to be the USA's Number 1 COMPLAINER.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Isn't the term "Whinging Poms"?
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
As an American I love the Aussies and the Brits, let's direct our energy at more productive things. excuse me it's time for lunch and my McDonalds is
by (4.5k points)