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+72 votes
Why do some people believe that only Muslims are terrorists?
by (4.5k points)

18 Answers

+66 votes
Best answer
people think muslims are terrorist because of wat the media is saying and ppl believe in wat media are saying ya noe.. and how in media they show that uneducated,crazy, and lack of knowledge in islam ppl are killin ppl and showing A BAD IMAGE TO ISLAM and having a bad reputation in islam also... people think muslims are all crazy and terrosit BECAUSE OF THOSE PPL.. its sad 2 see watever the media says every1 sees and believe.. and dont give any time to look and see how MOSTTT muslims are not like that at all... common sense.. why you think these crazy ,lack of knowledge in islam ppl are killin and doin all this stupid stuff? . THYE WANT FREEDOM,JUSTICE, AND THEIR OWN LAND..! INSTEAD OF AMERICA TAKING ALL OF MUSLIM LANDS.. and THEY WANT 2 LIVE IN PEACE... with doin all these crazy things they think they can get their attention and do sumthin about it.. but ya noe..
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
Christians are terrorists supported by the government. Muslim terrorists are independent of most governments- except Syria, who terrorize Lebanon.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
It's all about propaganda.. Perhaps it's so that they can do what they like to Islamic countries and have nobody complain. . . All terrorists are muslims? First of all, no terrorists are muslim. Islam is a peaceful religion, and anyone who kills innocent people and claims to be a muslim is a liar and a hypocrite. Second of all, who was responsible for the Oklahoma City Bombing?. . It's the same with airport security; people from the middle east have "special security" procedures, and Americans don't. It's not like there aren't terrorists in America.. But it's all about propaganda, the image that we're doing something about terrorism, making people think that they're being protected, etc.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Have you noticed that many of the non-muslim terrorist groups are kind of cooling it nowadays? The IRA disarmed, the Basque ETA is done- these were truly terrible organizations not 10 yrs ago!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
i think rednecks are too
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
because thy are very strong about their religion islam &they are not maximum eeducated so they have no work to do they are many person in a family what can others do they ar free
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Not everyone believes that only Muslims are terrorists - there were terrorists in Ireland for a long time. People like to believe in the concept of fear for a number of reasons, mostly the payoff is that they can manipulate others into giving them what they want by subscribing to an attitude of fear of terrorists. Then they are justified by hating those they fear and when humans hate something they can justify their reasons for taking what they want when asking for it doesn't work. Pointing fingers is no good either, though, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and other religions ultimately teach humans to fear even though they espouse love as their principle - 'fear God, Allah, Jehovah' it's all the same. The Beloved is not to be feared or held separate from humanity; Beloved is one with all humanity - try to release your own fear that non-Muslims are thinking of you as a terrorist - some are, but not all. Peace.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I am an American, I didn't vote for Bush. I protested both wars. I am not Christian. I think what is happening in Iraq is a quest for oil so that he can get rich by driving up oil profits. It sucks. I don't think all muslims are terrorists. I think most muslims are cool.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because they ignore Islam and listen to the biased media.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
...People have short memories. There are people of all religions (and some who profess to no religion) that behave as terrorists at some time in history. It happens to be the turn of some people who call themselves "Muslim" to be in the limelight.. ..."Christianity that is spiritual militance"? Then you believe that the stories of the Crusades and the Russian Pogroms and the ethnic cleansing by Croats against Serbs were fictional?
by (4.3k points)