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+91 votes
What are some natural methods to increase breast size without surgery or medication?
by (4.3k points)

5 Answers

+60 votes
Best answer
You're only 10 yrs old. You can't compare yourself with your friend because you all have different bodies. Everyone takes a different amount time to start developing. and your're only 10, you have a long way to go before you really know what your bust size will just give yourself some time and they will grow.. no need to be in a rush.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
I have the same friends are bigger than me...i am the small busted/flat chested tomboy girl.I like being a tomboy and all but...sometimes i want to be a bit more of a girl when im out with my girl friends.... . But then you see... having big breasts isnt very special...Having small breasts is considered to be petit and cute...I dont really like being called cute...but then i guess its ok. Big breats are also sorta bad if you do sports unless you where a good sorts support bra...I think you should appreciate having small were created this way ... and youll be loved bye every1 just the way you are...
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
DANG 10 year old with B size? wow i didn't get mine to lke seriously notice until like this year lol i was always an A tho until now :) much info lol well everyone is differnt just be patient they will come! lol If ur wanting to know about wut size u'll get...You usually get wut ur mom has lol or the females in ur famliy. So chill. and dont worry. I'm 14 so like i remember when i was 10 lol even tho back then we were'nt all obsessed with body image that much like we are now lol well hope this helps...not exactly with ur question but i guess emotionally lol well BYE Oh yeah and trust me you want them REALLY bad now but when you finally get them and they are perty big...and ya cant buy that really nice shirt cuz it dont fit on the'll regret ever wanting them lol or serious back pain if they like M size lol wow i lol alot lol
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
10 year old have boobs now! wow i had to wait till i was 12 to get mine. but anyways hon dont worry these things take time. You will get boobs when your body knows your ready. be patient and im sure you'll turn into a happy healthy beautiful young woman
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
you are still young ... you will 'grow into them' ... be patient
by (4.3k points)