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+107 votes
Discuss the pros and cons of technology on children's education
by (4.1k points)

3 Answers

+35 votes
Best answer
I think a certain amount of technology is important for a child because they are going to use it all their life.By the same token,they need the basics of education as well. Some kids don't know how to do simplistic things manually.They need a complete education including the 3 r's and supplement that with techno-teach. A well-rounded education needs old-fashioned methods as well as new fangled concepts.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Some things that tech. dose is really helpful while other things that it dose hinder children. Technology has aloud there to be a whole slew of resorces avalible at the finger tips of children. while at the same time that material comes with both the positive and negitive effects. They children can get alot of knoldge from computers and the internet it has also made teaching in the classroom alot more advanced. The teachers now have the ability to not only have kids for example read MLK ( King's) speech they now can listen to it through the use of the internet. Tech also is very negative beacuse in the case of math many kids simply will go and use the calcuator and when they don't have the calculator the chilren slowly forget to use the ability to do the math.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Technology should be used to compliment a child's education.. . Software applications such as Word can help improve the presentation of a report, while Excel can help Maths and Science work.. . The internet will give children access to a lot of useful information that can be used in projects in just about any subject.. . At the same time the internet can be a big distraction. Most children I've come across are only interested in using computers to download music, check e-mail, chat to friends and update their personal website. . . But overall the positive outweighs the negative and I would say that technology is an essential part of children's education today.
by (4.4k points)