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+109 votes
How does a beta fish reproduce?
by (4.4k points)

8 Answers

+108 votes
Best answer
There is a lot of misinformation and misconception about these beautiful and graceful fish....I myself have done hour and hours of research as well as working knowledge and experience with them...... . Bettas that are in those 1 1/2-3 gallons bowls aren't very happy no healthy....Bettas are labrynth fish - ari breathers due to the labrynth gland.....they are common in and around asia in rice patties and basins where there is plenty of room to swim hide and create can keep more then one male betta in 1 tank provided you have plenty of room for them to set up proper territories (they will not fight to the death as long as there is room for one to retreat)......other wise you keep 1 male betta to every 4+ females....this is so the male doesn't harras the females to mate and stress them out.....when you find a breeding pair you seperate them to a roughly half filled 10 gallon breeding tank.....the male will create a bubble nest and win the nest is ready he will begin the courtship by nipping and hugging the female (she may get injured during this so when the whole process is done remove her from the breeding tank).....then the female will spew eggs which the male will promple take to the bubble nest (hence the reason to have the tank half full) this process usually takes about 10 hours roughly....the male will then rear and keep the fish till they hatch and can swim on their own.....then remove the male and take care of the fry.....the thing is you need to make sure they are 6 months old (males are usuall3-4 months old at the store and females are 2-3 months) they are mature then enough to breed. . I keep my male in my 10 gallon neontetra tank with 7 neons and 2 otos and at the moment I don't have any females.....I just not breeding at the moment.....they are beautiful and deserve so much more then those little jails.....they also are healthier in tanks with heaters and filters (though airstones are optional)....I hope this helps inform the unfimformed and help bring light and understanding into the magnificant and graceful fish.
by (4.4k points)
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If she is not ready to mate, he will fight her. sometimes he will kill her.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
the male beta creates a bubble nest at the top of the tank.the bubble nest has some sperms.the female goes to the bubble nest and swims around it.the sperm will attach itself on the female.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
you put a bag over each one of their case one comes off they still cannot see each other.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
If you put a male and a female bata fish together they will not kill each other so it is safe until they reproduce. You can keep them in with the mother but as they get older the males will have to be removed to keep them from fighting. The females can all stay together with no problem. I hope this helps.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
im not 100% sure but i do like fish (i once trained an angel fish to pick up a ball and drop it in a hoop :D yes im wierd). . i think it is only male and male that will fight, so putting a female and male together they shouldnt mutilate each other...
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
there is an art to betta breeding.... . you can easily see when the male has a beautiful bubble nest biult. the talent comes in picking out the female that is ready to breed. if you are correct she will lay eggs and he will fer4ize them/put them in bubble nest. if your wrong tehy will fight and he may kill her.. . in nature she would stay away until she was ready to mate/lay eggs using naturat vegitation etc to protect her.. . . (Interesting side note: Bettas are used as biological mistquito control in some far east rice paddies. triops are used for weed control - in the USA triops are a rice paddy pest - wierd huh??)
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I would like to know the same thing :) I think they put them in when they are fertile let them release the eggs and take them out Not sure that is my guess
by (3.9k points)