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+86 votes
What are some methods to naturally increase the size of one's bust?
by (4.2k points)

8 Answers

+34 votes
Best answer
be happy with what god gave you and you should be happy with having small boobs. wouldn't you want guys to like "you" for who you are? trust me, the only way to increase breast size is by surgery, creams are a load of bullsh%t
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Herbal supplements or creams might or might work, I wouldn't know. Or implants, that's a guaranteed fix!
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
well actuall it happens during your development,depending on your nutrition eating food with alot of protein does help. I heard massaging it during shower can help enhance it
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
hmm. i have small busts too. they said massaging could help it grow. but i think its ok to have small busts. paris hilton admits hers are small and she still looks sexy. ;)
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Get you boyfriend(or girlfriend) to suck on them a lot.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
press it by your friend
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
i can give u some nice tips. . start breathing exercise....take a lot of air ..hold ...then place ur hand laterally to ur breasts and pretend to move the bulk towards front. do it 20 times works. . if u hav butter ...just mix salt to it..... paste that on ur bust and massage it daily...... . stimulate ur nipples ...just the tip not the aereola. daily...fat depostion must take place... to increase size.... . u can use some androgen/estrogen like hormone drugs.... . some oils r there to help too. . . one thing u need to accept...genetic laws cant b changed. b happy with ur boobs. . if u hav time and want to help me download anything for free or visist skin store.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Drink milk. The growth hormones given to cows to stimulate milk production end up in our diet.
by (4.3k points)