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+56 votes
Why can it sometimes be challenging to maintain happiness even when life isn't particularly difficult?
by (4.2k points)

14 Answers

+105 votes
Best answer
Becuase every person is different and has different emotional, physical and psychological needs, and it is impossible to fulfil them all the tiome.. . thjere will always be things about yourself and other people that annoy you, the best advice is to get on with your own life and do wehat you wanna do
by (4.4k points)
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To fully experience happiness due to having peace and security in a country, you need to experience disorder and insecurity first, otherwise you can only imagine or concoct how wonderful it feels to be happy under these peaceful and secured conditions. This is perhaps why the existence of duality is meaningful. And by the way I am assuming you are suggesting we can't have happiness in a country lack of peace and security, which is highly debatable philosophically.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because any problems we personally experience are worse for us, and although they may seem small compared to some people starving to death or something like that, they are the biggest things in our lives and no amount of empathy can mitigate that. Some people who suffer are actually very happy- it really has to do with your mind set. Some people will break down after a hard week at work, others will keep going quite happily even if they are diagnosed with terminal cancer.. Peace and security don't necessarily mean happiness, if we haven't experienced anything worse. Sometimes we need to suffer in order to appreciate what is really good.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
I think it's because sometimes we get so self absorbed that we live our lives trying to find happiness only for ourselves, and a life which does nothing for others is very dissatisfying. So, we end up sad and fed-up. I know exactly what u are talking about, though, i feel the same way many times.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
because happiness starts from within.. . If a person has not achieved personal goals, or accepts. second best in other areas, a person will not be content.. If the basics are taken care of, a person can pursue self betterment, IF they choose not to, then they choose not to be happy.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Because humans tend to over analyze things. A small worry turns (or sometimes a stupid though) turns into one major big headache when you go to think about it too much. your real worries are the ones which pop into your head when you have nothing better to do.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Happiness isn't a thing you do or don't do. It's a state you find yourself in or not. And while we can easily pinpoint reasons we might feel 'unhappy', we can't realiably do the same for happy.. . What it is useful to strive for is 'satisfied' and you will find that most can reach this. The problem with eliminating unhappy is that there is a long list of irritants and as soon as you manage to get rid of the first item on that list, the second item becomes the first and so on and on.... . We tend to think of happy and unhappy as a sort of balanced scale thing. But it isn't really like that. It is more like, 'happy about this' and 'upset about that over there'. Happiness, just like sadness, tends to live in certain parts of our lives over other parts. When we stay in those parts where we are happiest, we are generally satisfied with that. When we focus on those other parts, it works the other way around.. . What's really interesting is that whenever we focus to long on either, it just evaporates away. We can't sustain either feeling for very long. That's why we like sad songs, poems or movies. They seem to flush away our capacity to feel sad for a time. Which gives us the odd rule that if you don't want to be unhappy, be unhappy for awhile and work it out of your system.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Let me tell ya this thing your going thru is very normal.You feel like you have the worst problems in the world like u and best friend had a fight or maye its ur mom n dad or sumting like that..then you see in the TV like those ppl in somalia are living wit no food and water.ANd why am i crying for this stupid thing??. The thing you need ta do is be happy with what you have got...appreciate w/e is in ur life...yeah best frenz fight once in a while.Come on..everyone doesnt have this all perfect life.SO go ahead be cheerful cos ur lucky
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Pure happiness is giving of your time to someone in need.
by (4.6k points)
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I've found that when things are relatively easy, it is more difficult to appreciate what I have. Conversely, when things get difficult, I look back an remember what I had and how good it was. . . Through difficulty comes an appreciation for what we have. Remember how we felt after 9/11?
by (4.2k points)