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+60 votes
What tax benefits can I expect when donating to an animal cruelty prevention charity?
by (4.2k points)

5 Answers

+32 votes
Best answer
If it's a non-profit organization, you receive the same tax write off as any other charity. Get a receipt from the organization.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
You will only receive a tax write-off...and a warm heart.. "God Bless You!
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
1rst. Make sure your money goes to an organization that has proven to make what they say they do, to prevent your money for going down the drain. Because the money you give to charity is the money that usually goes to the government that they give you the opportunity to direct yourself.. If you are paying taxes you spect to see results.. 2nd. I you get a receipt you can use it for your tax report, and will be deducted.. 3rd. Be specially careful to ghost Charity's.. 4th. If you don't get a receipt, and your are certain it goes to a good cause, the feeling of satisfaction will be your biggest reward.. GIVE TO THOSE WHO ARE IN GREATEST NEED, WITHOUT SPECTING TO RECEIVE ANYTHING IN RETURN, AND IF YOU GET SOMETHING BACK FEEL GRATEFUL TO GOD! Have a great charity gift!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
IF you itemize your deductions, then you put the amount in Schedule A. That subtracts the amount you donated from your taxable income.. It also has to be a registered charity. If it's the ASPCA, then yes. If it's those PETA freaks, then I'm not sure.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Do you itemize deductions on your tax return?. . If no, you get no tax benefit!. . If yes, is the charity a 501c3 (IRS registered non profit)?. . If no, you get no tax benefit!. . If yes, you can get a deduction for the value of your gift.
by (4.6k points)