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+87 votes
Why do some Christian people feel uncomfortable when someone says 'good luck'
by (4.1k points)

29 Answers

+30 votes
Best answer
It is too bad when a so called Christian can't cut someone some slack. As a Christian, I am blessed, but don't take offence to "good luck."
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
umm. . .I have never heard that before. . . I'm a Christian and I couldn't care less if they said good luck or not. . . .but it's bad luck to say good luck . . .
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Buena Suerte! . . I am Christian and I say "Good Luck" all the time. I don't know about other Christians, but I know that the Irish have some kind of sentimental attachment to the notion of luck whether they are Christian or not, and whether or not they actually believe in luck. It's just a saying, nothing that anybody should get excited about.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
sorry, but i dont get offended, I just dont believe in luck.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Because Christians believe in God's watchful blessing & love, not luck. If everything happens for a reason then nothing is left to chance. We can't predict what will happen, but we trust that God is in control and will do everything for our best interests. That doesn't forgive bad manners. When someone wishes me good luck I respnd with a simple "Thank you." But some are compelled to use every opportunity to teach others. I ask that you give them the benefit of the doubt, just as we would like to have when misunderstood. Thank you for this post - it may open some eyes to those whare are completely unaware of what they say.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Maybe it's the way you say it that's offending !!!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Consider it an overreaction to what Christians perceive to be a secular culture. . . Some people can take secularism in stride and see "good luck" as a phrase actually meaning "I wish you well" (a NICE comment!) Others see it as some sort of belief statement in random luck, which is theologically wrong.. . Anyway, anything secular that is said must be "pushed back" against, partly because it challenges their belief in divine providence (rather than mindless luck) and partly as a evangelistic tool and as part of "standing up for their faith." If they don't negate the comment, then they're being ashamed of their faith.. . It's usually not worth an argument in either direction. I would just try to accept their comments for what they are, and move on.. . Incidentally, someone else mentioned how the same Christians generally get offended by using the word "Xmas" instead of Christmas. I find this ironic, since the first two letters of Christ in Greek are chi ("X") and rho. So "X" was commonly used to designate Christ way back when the church began, not to remove him from the picture, but simply as a symbolic shorthand.. . Again, some Christians today view the "X" as antagonistic to the faith and as something to challenge openly.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
i have never gotten a negative response from saying 'good luck' to a christian...this is the first time i've heard of it
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I wouldn't say that I get offended, exactly, it's just that I don't believe in luck. When people tell me "good luck" I usually just say "thanks", but I don't often say it to others.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Its not a bad thing to say. People should not get offended so easily. I am a Christian and I say good luck all the time.
by (4.6k points)