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+59 votes
Why is Israel's nuclear capability considered acceptable while Iran's is not?
by (4.3k points)

15 Answers

+47 votes
Best answer
because Israel is our ally and Iran is not. it's all about hypocrisy.
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
Israel has never confirmed they have them. They have never tested them in the open. There is allot of speculation that they have them. Nothing that has been confirmed beyond all doubt. We think they have them. However ... consider this, by not admitting they have them, and by not testing them, and never really quelling the rumor they have them, doesn't that suspicion that they might have them create the effect of a deterrent? It is call "bluffing.". . As to Iran, we suspect that if they have them, they will probably use them. We suspect that their goal is to become a nuclear armed nation. In the recent EU proposals to Iran, they were offer a working non-breeder reactor; Iran refused the offer. They want the bomb. . . Question for one of your responders: If our use of "the bomb" against the Japanese was terrorism what do you call the attack on Pearl harbor on December 7, 1941. I am sure that the difference means nothing to you, but are you aware that Japan has still not apologized or acknowledged to China the atrocities which they committed? Please learn a little history before you start throwing stones.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes you want the Lord to strike you dead?
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
The more I think about it, the more I think this analogy is true. . . Think back to high school. Wasn't everything filled with drama and childish loyalty? . . I, (the USA), have a boyfriend I love dearly, (atomic power). My best friends, (Israel and England), can talk to my boyfriend anytime they want. I know they respect and love me. Some of my other friends, (Pakistan, India), can talk to my boyfriend, but they know my best friends will beat the crap out of them if they think they can steal him away. That new girl, though, the one who is so pretty, (Iran), needs to stay far away from my man. She is up to no good, and just wants to hurt me. I know that anyone who wants to be my friend will see things MY way. . . Does this sound catty and childish? Heck ya! The question is though, just how far from reality is this silly story?
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
For those who claim that "Iran wants to use them" and that Israel and the US "have them for self-defense," have bought into the propaganda way too easily. Iran wants nukes for the same reason as everyone else- as a deterrent to attack- very logical reasoning considering we've invaded two of its neighbors recently and declared Iran to be one of the axis-of-evil countries (N. Korea has proven that nukes is the way to go, since we don’t dare attack them). It is worthy to note that currently the U.S. stands in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (by failing to disarm, by developing new weapons, by giving nuclear technology to India, by denying other nations the right to peaceful pursuit of nuclear technology, and by threatening the use of nuclear weapons against another nation), while Iran is not violating the treaty at all. The U.S. also happens to be the only nation to ever use nuclear weapons (against civilian cities, not even military targets). Perhaps Iran needs to invade the U.S. to disarm us, since we’ve proven to be irresponsible and reckless with our nuclear weapons…oh, but wait…they’re “terrorists” and we’re freedom-loving Americans!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because the countries trying to boss others around are total hypocrites, of course. If the US thinks it is so bad for a misguided country to have nuclear capability, then the US would have to be first in line to get rid of its own.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
They have it for self defense, and not to attack other nations.. . Same goes for the US.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Iran has not shown the world community that they wish for peaceful means because they refuse to allow inspectors to monitor them. They have done it to themselves. They want to wipe isreal off the map but are aware that this is an impossiblity with isreal holding a weapon unmatchable by iran. Iran's military is very modern when you consider that during the cold war it was supplied with american weapons, to include jet fighters, until the islamic revolution in 1972 when they denounced america and started to accept military from russia. These partnerships created a very strong military funded through an oil rich economy. Isreal had to be supplied by the US to defend itself from this strong iranian military. Nuclear deterrent has kept iran at bay for many years now and is in jeapordy now and that is why it's not OK for Iran to have nukes. As far as these comments above about hiroshima, people... the nukes were used because japan was willing to burn every city down and made this quite clear when the US firebombed tokyo. The fires were so hot that heads and babies on thier mother's backs exploded from the pressure and heat. The firebombing campaign killed twice what both bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki. Japan was prepared to burn to the ground. The bombings were the only thing that really opened their eyes to the fact that the war was over. In actuality the dropping of the atomic bombs probably saved more lives in the end. I am glad to hear that someone brought up the Rape of the Nanking and showed some historical insight into that.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Iran is controlled by lunatics who want to nuke Isreal in the name of Islam.
by (3.7k points)
0 votes
Because Israel is a civilized responsible country that doesn't threaten its neighbors.
by (4.3k points)