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+101 votes
Is the Dust Bowl an example of how human actions can significantly impact the climate in a short period?
by (4.2k points)

2 Answers

+75 votes
Best answer
As the Dust Bowl was caused by widespread drought in the 1930's, I doubt global warming was a factor yet. It was a natural event, but if the Midwest had still been pairie instead of farm land, it's effect may not have been as severe.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
I assume the dust bowl you refer to is the one in the USA.. This was caused mainly by 2 things 1: the ten year drought referred to by a previous answer but just as significant was the ignorance of drought and its potential effects by farmers in that region at that time.As the land was flat windbreaks such as lines of trees and hedges would have prevented so much of the soil being blown away once dried out. Also irrigation techniques commonplace now would have prevented much of the damage,unfortunately once an area has suffered this type of damage it is very difficult to repair.. I doubt that the drought/climate itself was affected by human behavior at that time but poor farming techniques exacerbated the problem no end.
by (4.6k points)