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+39 votes
What was Taiwan's status under the San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1952?
by (4.2k points)

3 Answers

+87 votes
Best answer
Japan renounced the territorial sovereignty of Taiwan in the peace treaty, but no recipient was designated. According to authoritative research on international treaty law and the laws of war, under such circumstances the title to Taiwan territory escheats to "the conqueror," which in the post-Napoleonic period is "the principal occupying power." Article 23 of the peace treaty confirms that the United States is the principal occupying power.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Washington B 's answer sounds pretty good, but how does Mainland Communist China have any claim to it. . When the Communists came in to China, they murdered all the Christians, intellectuals, and businessmen and persons of any wealth who would not "Convert" to communism and give all their possessions to the state. A few fled and went to Taiwan and began their own democratic republic. They have been totally loyal to the United States, giving us military bases there and open trade.. Now, Wal*Mart has kissed up to Communist China big time, and our balance of trade is in their favor, our President is about to give over our friend Taiwan to the Communists. I don't understand that at all and feel that they are an independent country, why should we give up our free friend to the communists. Something here really stinks.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
According to the SFPT of 1952, japan has to give up all the rights and legal authority on taiwan and its related islands.. . that's all its about, the treaty did not mention any other things about taiwan
by (4.5k points)