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+104 votes
What are the most effective methods to quickly eliminate marijuana from your system within a 24-hour period?
by (4.4k points)

5 Answers

+40 votes
Best answer
I have heard of a LOT of solutions/home remedies people did and got sick from, and they didn't work, advising you about this is just a warning, if you know where to get supplies for the habit, you know where to find the solution for it to be untraced in urine, these supplies are costly, and most of these items are tested for as well as thc, nothing is failproof, thc will remain in hair and can always be traced back to how long it's been consumed, how much was consumed etc. Another friend JUST told me.. advise "The Extra Stuff" drink found in most hippie stores, whatever that means
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
I don't believe it can be done because the cannabis THC residue is in the body's tissue, as well as the blood. I've seen guys do all sorts of things to try and pass a random drug test.. . Please don't try to drink bleach. I had a coworker who tried that method, and all he got was extremely sick...and fired because his pee-test came back positive...but very sanitary.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Stop smoking it. Eventually it will all be out.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You can buy drinks from any head shop, they will mask your urine, just fallow instruction's. It really works.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
You can't get rid of it in 24 hours. It can take 1-6 weeks depending on your frequency of use.
by (4.0k points)