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+61 votes
What factors are contributing to the rapid increase in children with allergies?
by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

+56 votes
Best answer
I belive it is mainly due to the toxins in our enviroments mainly the home. So many personal care products have ingredients and fillers that are bad for you. It weekens the immune system and children have much weaker immune systems.
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
It is probably something we are feeding ourselves.. Could be a chemical additive, could be the hormones used to boost milk production in cows, stuff like that.. . We really need to pin this down. Calls for comparative studies of various populations. Nations where this is not happening? Diet differences? . . People need to write their Congressmen and Senators and have them fund this instead of some of the pork barrel - - - -.
by (4.4k points)