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+44 votes
What are the steps to achieve financial success and become a millionaire?
by (4.4k points)

11 Answers

+75 votes
Best answer
Save up $999,999.99 and find a penny in the street!!!
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
invent something usefull and wonderfull to reach the needs of the entire world . failing that id go see if theres any books in your library . good luck .
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
I suggest you to see the film "Million Dollar Baby" directed by Academy Award Winner Clint Eastwood.. . Top 3 Answerer in Business & Finance. (Vote for me)
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
I am reading the millioaire mind By Thomas J Stanley,its great,I have been investing in Real Estate.I live below my neans.The book will tell you how to be came one.Hope you get a A
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Earn a million dollars. Entrepreneurs make a lot of money.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You make a product that everyone needs.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Hey there! Running your own online business can be an extremely lucrative venture as well as one that requires very low start up costs. I run my own business from home, and make a little over $500 a week, and I just started a month and a half ago. I am hoping to double that amount by the end of June.. . Basically, you are providing top level domain names in the .ws category. It’s exactly like a .com website, only it’s easier to find the domain name you are looking for in the .ws genre. The ws in .ws means website. With this business, you can sell .ws domain names and hosting, or refer others to do it for you. Either way, lots of money can be made by promoting either the website, affiliate program or both.. . By signing up, you will receive your own top level domain name of your choosing, hosting, as well as all of the promotional tools and support you need to make your business successful. This website can be used for your own personal/business use by uploading your own files, or to promote the GDI program by using the re-direct feature. There is even a forum with thousands of helpful members just waiting to answer your questions. And of course, you can always email your upline to hear about their success stories and to find motivation.. . Check out . The site features an online DVD presentation that you can view to see what the company is all about, and what they can do for you, as well as an income calculator so you can see just how much you can make. The earning potential is unlimited! Some members are earning hundreds to thousands of dollars a week with this program!!. . features a 7 day free trial so you can check the program out for yourself, and see all of the tools and support that are available to you. To become a full member, you only pay $10. This can easily be recouped within the first day that you start if you start working the program from day one.. . If you are interested sign up, and should you need any help at all, you can email me personally at [email protected] . I would be happy to help you out any way I can! Good luck on all of your future endeavors!
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
winners dont do diff things they do things differently.....and if your writing a speech on how to bcom a millionaire then shudnt u be one in the first place?. ask trump
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Don't be afraid to take risks - most people are when offered a chance of a lifetime, a business venture, etc. People that have started a home based business have become very successful because they took a chance. Think of a product that people want or need, start advertising, etc, - and leap into your first million.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
u work a lot or play professinal sports
by (4.0k points)