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+12 votes
My friends get angry when I get good grades, how can I handle this situation?
by (4.4k points)

16 Answers

+59 votes
Best answer
Omg, my friends did the same thing, but they are just kidding around. They always make fun of me because they think I'm a perfectionist, but I'm actually not one at all. Just laugh it off and if it really starts bugging you, pull them aside and tell them you're not going to dumb yourself down just to get the same grades as them, but you'd be happy to help them if they need it!
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
just agree not to talk about grades anymore. (and they are jealous, lets face it, why do they talk about grades unless it's just to compair. some people are competitive). but don't stop making good grades. keep it up. you'll get into a good college, then a good job. then they'll have something else to be jealous of!! but that issue isn't till later.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
How do you handle the grades that you receive? If you make a big deal of getting an A that might make your friends upset. On the other hand, if you don't then it sounds to me like your friends aren't being very supportive. Try and find out why they get mad at you. Are they jealous? Do they want to get good grades but are unable to and don't know how to ask for help? Yout might also talk to a parent or guardian and see if they have any insight as well. Contrary to popular belief, most parents actually do know something (And this is NOT coming from a parent). Also just so you know, sixth grade was a tricky time for me too.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I know you are only in the 6th grade. However, IF you decide to go to college, your grades will be VERY important. My advice is to keep doing your best. Don't mention your grades to your friends. If they ask, just shrug and change the subject.. If they ask for help in a subject, help them if you can, and make sure you don't make any kind of remark that could make them feel bad.. They are VERY jealous of your grades at this point. I should know. I had a younger sister who was a straight A student. I had a lot of trouble understanding some of what they were trying to teach. It took me some time, but I figured out that a subject that was easy for my sister might be hard for me. But there are subjects she now comes to me about. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. When I went to college, I was around other people who made straight As as well as people who struggled like me.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Maybe you can try and help them get good grades so that they wont be mad, and all of you can have a's
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
You are the victim,not them.So just do what you think that is right because you are you,your life is controlled by yourself,not them.Make a new friends maybe is one way to get away from them,or you can encourage them to study hard or maybe tell them you tips on studying so that they will never be mad !
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Tell them to back off and go study.or get new friends
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Continue to make good grades. In a few years you will look back and laugh because you will have a scholarship to a wonderful college or university
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
If they were your real friends, they would try to A) be happy for you and B) try to figure out how you can get good grades and try to help them out.. If they give you beef, screw them! Are you going to lower your grades to be in good standings with them? They are not going to pave the way for your future, are they? I do not think so.. Dumbing yourself down to be with your friends is only going to hurt you, not them. And you will pay for it.. Think of it this way: if they keep acting that way and getting bad grades, they might stay back and you will end up in the next grade. When you get to high school, they will still be in middle and by that time, you would be mature enough and be with some new people who would not mind having a friend who just happens to have good grades.. That is their problem. Do not make it become your problem, either. You will be sorry in the long run if you did.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
they're just jealous
by (4.3k points)