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+105 votes
What factors contribute to the perception of human life as miserable?
by (4.1k points)

12 Answers

+102 votes
Best answer
life is miserable because of the necessity of work by alien forces. being an automaton is not ANYONE'S dream.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
PRESPECTIVE is the keyword my friend, some multi-billionairs will swear they are the sadest on this planet, and some bearly living above poverty line (or maybe less) will say they're getting by and their lives are ok.. . it is the nature of life however to be full of hardships, this is how it was 'designed' by the creator (who obviouslty must exist for any creation to exit -that was for those who don't believe- ), and this design was formulated to test human belief, tolerance and how people will respond to these hardships, even those with luxurious lives are being tested against what will they do with their resources, watch others die from hunger and disease or inverst their God-given wealth to make a better life for who they can... any answer in that to your question?
by (4.4k points)
0 votes have rationality or thinking ability, is to be able to choose.. but alas, then the world is made up of all choices made (by man and angel) since the beginning.. but would it be better to be robots and not have thinking ability? Because of 'free-will' life has become imperfect and even difficult, and we all suffer some, and all too many horrifically, but God, being life itself, lives through and experiences aLL sufferings which occur.. why would he put himslef through all this? because he's not creating an ant farm, but a family.. and an eternal UN breakable paradise.. for at Christ's return eden will be rebuilt [It's a very important foundation to happiness / peace which springs up into joy, to know that 'hell' is a mistranslation from grave, and christ overcame the grave.. and is "the savior of all men"... Cheer up! There's great purpose to life, and the end resuslt cannot be anything less than the absolute best.. seeing as God is Perfect Excellence and has done all things purposely perfectly in order to bring about the utter best.. and in the 'end' it will be impossible for life to be anything other than Perfect..
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
i am not a miserable person. i don't know if others are.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Because we are subject to cause and effect. Like robots. we are jolted this way and that, never really having any. control over anything.. . It is said that man is asleep, and does not know it.. To awaken is to then find liberation from being >subject<.. In >objectivity< one transcends misery and suffering.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
The misery of the human condition stems from our denial of our own nature: we are evolved animals and we simply forget or ignore this aspect. Instead, we hide behind our "culture", "religion" and "society". At the basic level we are all the same, but most of us fail to recognize that. We find all sorts of "excuses" for why we are egocentric, angry, alienated, inclined towards using force, etc.. . Jeremy Griffith, an Australian has written an excellent book on the subject, "A Species in Denial". Excerpt from the presentation:. . "He argues compellingly that the turmoil and conflict between races, countries, religions; environmental destruction; material inequality; overpopulation; resource depletion; and depression will not fundamentally change at all until we solve this dilemma of the human condition and bring self-understanding to the human situation. As he describes it, humanity has been in a race between self-destruction and self-discovery."
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
its only as miserable as you make it
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
human life is only miserable if you let it be. have you ever noticed that when you have a good day, it's a really really good day, that nothing could mess up? and when it's a bad day things fall apart all around you? it's becasue when something is going really good, it can't even be touched, if you feel good on a good day, bad things may happen, but won't phase you..same as a bad day, the good won't effect just have to give yourself a good life..understand?
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
No, human life isnt miserable......its we who make it miserable taking everything over seriously and overdoing and over reacting to things of day to day life. . . . if we understand the nature and look ourselves as a part of the whole then we can have a proper perspective that would cause minimum damage to ourselves.. . Its only that we need to be aware and alert. situations will always come and go.. life is full of good and bad.....without the night how do we understand what is the beauty of the day!!! so accept it as a part of life.. everything is temporary and tends to pass , so do miseries.. . thats is life. and life is beautiful dear.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
you are as happy as you make your mind to be!!!
by (4.2k points)