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+38 votes
How can I properly set up my telescope to observe Saturn from West Palm Beach?
by (4.5k points)

2 Answers

+30 votes
Best answer
At 7pm in the evening, set your telescope about 75 degrees ENE, Saturn will be about 20 to 25 degrees above horizon at that time. It will set at 6 o'clock in the morning in the 200 degrees or WNW direction.. . Note: This will change slightly every day. The above information is for recent days.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Cecil's response is inappropriate and shows zero observing knowledge. Saturn can be view due east around 7-8 pm. You can't miss it since it is the brightess object in that region of sky. Find Orion and go east and slightly north to find Gemini and just east of Gemini is the constellation Cancer. Saturn is currently in the constellation of Cancer.. . If you have time visit . You have to regisiter but the site is free. That site can give you very precise coordinates which you may want if you are planning to image Saturn with a large telescope.
by (4.4k points)