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+110 votes
How can I perform a clean installation of Windows on my hard drive?
by (4.2k points)

4 Answers

+54 votes
Best answer
You can do this by inserting your XP CD on boot up. Enter Setup, and setup will prompt you to format the partition in which you wish to intall windows. Make sure this partition is the one you currently use. Setup will format the partitition and install the necessary windows files from there.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
need to get to the command prompt. . type dispart > then list. . you'll need to find the volume label for the partition and the drive the windows is stored on - write this down. . then type . format x:volume label. . where x: is the drive c: d: etc
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
If you have Windows 9x then you need a floppy disk to boot from If you have not got on the go to Boot Then when floppy drive has been booted you need to type. format c:. This will wipe out everything. Then you go to D drive "that's if your cdrom is D drive type D: and press enter. then type setup to start the setup procedure. . If you have Windows Xp then you can boot from your CD.. Put your CD in your machine and reboot your PC wait until you see press any key to boot from CD and then follow the prompts and you will have a option to wipe out your c drive and format it using NTFS.. . if your CD wont boot up you need to go to your bios change the setting that the cdrom will boot first.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
assuming u have windows 98 bootable cd. Put the cd in rom and start ur system u need to make cd rom your first boot device from setup if it dont work. Choose "start computer with cd rom support" . After that it will be somethinglike this a:/> type format c: /q /u /s it will format ur c: drive.
by (4.6k points)