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+103 votes
How can I recover my password for Windows XP if I have forgotten it?
by (4.7k points)

3 Answers

+37 votes
Best answer
if you know the windows xp administrator password then you can logon as the administrator in safe mode... to logon in safe mode... turn on your pc and keep pressing the F9 key.. i think that's the one.. and select safe mode.but after you logon on once in safe mode a new user. ( administrator) will appear on the welcome screen of your xp...this administrator password was provided when the xp was installed...
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
DOn think u can. if u had a back up floppy disk created when settin up the user account, u can slip in tht disk and receover the password. or else u r out of luck my frn
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
there is a 3rd party software called erd commander.. u can use that to break the password
by (4.6k points)