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+8 votes
Why is it necessary to use a thermometer, oxygen equipment, and other items in a fish tank when fish seem to thrive in the sea?
by (4.4k points)

11 Answers

+82 votes
Best answer
You most likely have tropical fish in your tank, which naturally like in South America in rivers or bodies of water that are naturally warmer than say, Ohio or New York or wherever you live. Also, in moving water with plants, the water is naturally oxygenated, as opposed to the 10 gallon tub you have sitting in your room.
by (4.2k points)
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The sea and lakes and rivers has all sorts of characteristics that mean you don't need to put those things in. Firstly, the large surface area on the top helps to ensure adequate oxygen is in the water, as to do the plants in them. Secondly, fish only live in a place where the temperature is right for them, so if you want tropical fish and you live in a cold place you will need a thermometer or your fish will not do well and probably die. And yes, you need a filter because as said below, a tank is a stagnant pond, and something has to be there to keep the water clean.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
because the sea contains and makes oxygen,a fish tank has no way to produce fresh oxygen.the water is still it has to move to produce oxygen.have you ever seen ponds that have a devise in it that throws water into the air,back into the pond,well that's what its doing.keeping the water moving to produce oxygen in the water.a thermometer is to keep track on the temperature of the water.the water has to be a certain temperature for the fish to live.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
In the sea, there are plants which naturally oxygenate the water. In a tank, this is difficult to accomplish so you need to hardware to accomplish this. Otherwise your fish will get sick and eventually die. As for a thermometer, i think this is less important if you have your tank inside the house but some fish probably do better at certain temperature ranges.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
First things first. The thermometer. Outside, there's the sun. Inside, there's not. It really is as simple as that. The equater (imaginary line around the center of the earth) is generally warmer than places say, at the artic and antartic poles. Fish that come from closer to the equater need warmer water than fish that come from closer to the poles. . As for Oxygen stuff. In the ocean, tehre's alot of surface area, for one, this allows gas exchange; fish tanks have much less. In the ocean, there's waves, etc., that cause disruption at the waters survace, which can help add oxygeb to the ocean, as well. And most importantly, there's qUiTe a bit of plants in the ocean, which breathe out oxygen, and breathe in Carbon Dioxide. . I think this'll clear up your question...
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Because an aquarium is a closed environment with a very, very small amount of water compared to a lake or ocean.. . In this small environment we need to provide things that nature would provide in the lake/sea.. . . Find out more about this question or any other aquarium or pond questions at
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
You see, fish in the ocean have a LOT of water. This means that when they crap, their ammonia is diluted by a gigazillion tons of water. In a fishtank, you have say, 50 gallons of water and sooner than later, the tank gets contaminated. . . This is one of the reasons why you need a filter. The filter produces bacteria that breaks down the ammonia into two lesser evil by products and keeps the fish alive. (nitrate and nitrite) . . Filter also adds oxygen by recirculating the water. But this causes the temperature of the fishtank to go down, which is why they need a heater.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Salt water fish live in the sea. There is constant circulation and waste management naturally. Fish in tanks live in what is called a stagnant pool. You have to reproduce the environment that replenishes oxygen, carries away waste, and prevents stagnation.. . If you want a low maintenance fish, get a bottom feeder. I have one that I suspect I'll have to take out and shoot on judgment day.
by (4.4k points)
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to be like the sea
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
A fish tank is not a sea!
by (4.1k points)