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+21 votes
Why should we expect Hispanics to follow other laws if they don't obey immigration laws?
by (4.6k points)

11 Answers

+43 votes
Best answer
i did cross illegally other than than i've never comitted any type of crime or offence not eeven a traffic ticket had recived , i think is just injust is not fair to generalize that all undocumented immigrant are criminal just bcuz we cross the border first i did not know it was a civic offence ithink if the u.s really want to stop us from commin they should make their policies. tougher and make it clear and punish the employers. legalize good migrants alredy here and no more problems . no cake., no child get tempeted
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Some of them do not want to get caught, so they act pretty good.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
very good point.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I think you need to replace 'hispanics' with 'illegal immigrants'.. . That actually is a point I have considered. There is such baffelment on the part of illegal immigrant supporters as to why their illegal status is such a big deal to us that I have concluded they look at law differently than we do.. . However, I don't think they are so totally different that they don't know right from wrong in the typical sense. (Hence the arguments: 'we work hard!' and 'we are people too!'). . Some laws like murder and rape and robbery are inherently wrong whether or not there is a specific law on point. In fact, all countries prohibit these things, the only variation is in the punishment.. . Other laws further a policy which is there for a reason but do not create such an obvious moral bright line. These are laws like traffic laws. Granted that we may need some law, there is nothing inherently more moral about 55 miles per hour than 65 miles per hour. If you drive recklessly and people get hurt, THAT was an inherently bad thing.. . Immigration is in the second category of laws. It is there for a reason, and one reason is to conserve the resources to pay for people who foot the bill. If you follow through the impact of illegal immigration, which includes use of scarce resources, etc. the effects are similar to stealing. However, I think illegal immigrants do not internalize that or see directly how they impact the system. They see the system as something so large their own impact seems to them insignificant. They see their coming across the border to be the one person more than alloted that year as 'not all that big of a deal', rather like driving 56 miles per hour.. . We see the total numbers, the undesirables within the group, the drop in standards of education and health care, and see total justification for the existance and enforcement of the law they are violating. We don't see it as a one time violation, but as something they continue to violate so long as they are here and using the scarce resources meant for others. When we say we believe in the rule of law, it means we agree with the principle that laws have a purpose, and that it is truly wrong to break them.. . I'm pretty sure most illegal immigrants would consider laws like murder to be just as bad as we do. Many non-American cultures don't consider the 'prohibitionary laws' to be as important, and some illegal immigrants may be from cultures like that. However, there are probably people legally here who view them just the same.. . I think we have every right to enforce our laws, I just suspect that this time we are going to work out a solution somewhere in between.. . I think we need to really, truly secure our borders, but once we do, I think some provision is going to have to be made for people already here.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Don't forget, breaking immigration laws is and has been a misdemeanor. You have never committed a misdemeanor? Do you think many Americans could say they have never committed a misdemeanor? . . Your question seems to assume that someone who commits one misdemeanor is, by nature, likely to commit other crimes. If that is the case, why do we even bother having trials for people who have already been convicted of committing one crime? Shouldn't we just assume they're guilty of whatever else they've been accused of? Why should we believe they will obey any laws?. . As for what Jesus says on the subject, how about these:. . Matthew 6:14 - "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.". . Matthew 18:21-22 - "Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.'". . ~ Of course, both of these have to be understood in the context of Luke 17:3 -. . "If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him."
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
you are so right!!! and most of the people who disagree--- are ones who also break laws and are trying to rationalize their own illegal behavior and also the behavior or illegal aliens. I believe that they will want to break More laws and then more protesting and then more laws and then more protesting. Arrest them all, send them back. Go thru the process LEGALLY!!!
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
ok first off it is not only hispanics that dis obey the law but the hispanics like myself are only forced to do some things we are not proud off. if you think this way you have to first off think in the shoes of others. before you judge and its not the hispanics its just we are so use to them not being there. we have to fix our mx counrty maybe if we had more help in the mx country we woundnt have to come here.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
You're making a generalization that isn't really fair.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
gee... is that why our justice system/ jails are full of illegal immigrants ????lol....
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Most immigrants don't break the laws of this country.. However, there is a percentage that does and they should be horse whipped and sent to Guantanamo bay for further incarceration
by (4.4k points)