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+6 votes
How can I use traveler's checks effectively?
by (4.6k points)

4 Answers

+106 votes
Best answer
i tend to go to the back and get the american express travellers cheque in pound sterling (i am from england). they usually charge £1 per £100 you take out. then when abroad either go to a bank or use the reception in your hotel. then if you are lucky enough to have saved some money when yo return to the uk and cash in your cheques you will not lose a penny.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Any bank will issue travellers cheque againt cash.Available in denominations of 100.500,1000 etc.Dont sign at both places.The second signature when you purchase or pay bill with it.Unused TCs can be surrendered and cas got back
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Firsty buy travelers cheques. Do this in the country of of the currency you are paying for them in. IE If you are paying in US dollars, buy them in the US, regardless of the currency you are buying (I got stung with this one once and had to exchage twice). . Seccondly, keep your reciept seperate from you TC's. I keep my reciept on my person and my TC's with my ticket and passport. This is important, if your TC's get stolen you need you reciept to get them re-issued, its the whole point of TC's. . . Thirdly, pop to the bank/exchage/tourist shop and change them for real cash in local curency. . . My question however would be WHY??? What god forsaken country are you going to where you need TC's. The only country I have ever been where access to ATM's has been a issue is Laos. And there I just took a decent amount of USD and kept my TC suply for emergencies only. I only ever use them of emergency cash on long term trips (two months or more). ATM's (if you have insurance against fraud) are just as safe and you get a far better exchange rate. You carry your ATM cards arround on you at home, who not abroad??
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Go to any bank which will issue you the cheque.It will draw the cheque out on any bank in the country you are visiting or on it's branch in another country.You can encash the cheque on arriving in the country you are visiting in the branch of the bank.
by (4.4k points)