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+51 votes
How can I remove Mealmaster files that are constantly in use by another program and cannot be deleted?
by (4.4k points)

5 Answers

+114 votes
Best answer
Don't boot into Windows, boot to the C: prompt and delete them from there. Then when you do go into Windows, you will be able to delete the rest of them.
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
Start your computer in safe mode by pushing f8 on start up and then locate the file in your program files or where ever it is and delete it. this should work but if it doesn't i don't know good luck
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
If you go to add/remove and try there if no luck D/load Gipo@utilities. works well. also go to top of web page tools internet options delete files delete cookies clear history, content clear ssl state autocomplete clear forms.. Then go to your C Drive Windows Prefetch delete all thats there but not layout.. . Hope that helps.. . Good Luck.. . P.S. The prog will get rid of the file that says, in use by another prog.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
if your using a PC and not a MAC then reboot your computer and before it boots or gets to the boot screen hit F8 to go into safe mode then delete them just like you wood when you in windows, safe mode only boots system files and what is needed by windows to run so everything else is idle.. . good luck!!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Restart your computer and delete them. Do not open the file before you delete them. That will make the files "in use".
by (4.2k points)