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+76 votes
How to end a relationship with your girlfriend without causing her emotional pain
by (4.3k points)

7 Answers

+22 votes
Best answer
Tell her that you really care about her but not like a girlfriend and instead of hurting her by letting her think you like her you thought it would be better if you told her how you really feel. Tell her you cherish her friendship and you hope that you guys can at least be friends, that you have grown to love her as a friend and that means a lot to you. And that you are just trying to be honest. Tell her that any relationship is based on honesty that is why you are telling her.
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
its not possible but good luck
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Break up's hurt period!!!. . Now, you have to decide how you want to inflict this pain on her. . . 1. Fast and quick. This is the get it over with and accept the loss of love and friendship. It's kinda like when you pull a band-aid off real quick ... ouch. (THis is the way I prefer men to break-up with me). Beware, she may stike back. If this happens, you must stick to your principals and keep insulting her until she gets it (FYI, she's a stalker!!!) otherwise, you're a prissy female dog and she owns you.. . 2. Slow and easy. This is where you slowly start to drop hints of your dis-satisfaction ... pull away from her slowly, and encourage her to find other people and activities to fill the void you're leaving. This is desired when you still want friends and you have tons of compassion. However, if you're too compationate, then you're a putty-tat, & she owns you.. . 3. Move away ... run ... just give up everything you have and relocate to avoid the dicomfort. 90% of us say that long distance relationships are killers, so this is why you relocate.. . Ok, there's so many more ways, but these are the top three. Good luck buddy.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
not poss w/o hurt
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
say you want take a break for while.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
intro her to one of your hot friends
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Well that sounds rude...get rid of your girlfriend..just tell her you don't want to be with her no more cause you are a really wrong for her...cause you are...
by (4.4k points)